Thursday, October 18, 2012

It's the Simple Life for me....

So what's this Organised Chaos - cause life's about balance all about??

In my travels as an organiser, and as a nail tech of 25 years, I observed the struggle we all face each and every day running our busy lives, and being perfect at it...
Work. Life. Family. Friends.
I know it sometimes drives me mad........(or to drink??)

My observation of 90% of my clients and friends is that you all expect faaaaar too much of yourself ladies.
Its no failure to say 'no' occasionally....a constant 'yes' to everything just runs you ragged, leaves you no time for yourself, and leads to massive 'unbalance' in your life.

So it's time to chill girlfriends....and let's balance this crazy thing called life.....or at least give it one hellava shot? You in????

Your life.  Your work.  Your home. Your family.
Everybody wants a  piece of you....but girls, keep a piece for yourself!

As a young single mum, I had to learn very quickly how to simplify and balance my life so as to have the life I wanted, and the time to enjoy it.

I've always been thrifty, (no not stingy husband darling),  but I had to think outside the square a bit when it came to shopping for the home, for gifts, clothes, anything!
So doing everything on a budget became a way of life for me. Even when I didn't need to.
I found it fun to cut corners, find a bargain, sometimes just simply go without, and then sometime enjoy the finer things in life, see, balance!
My husband was horrified when, to have the wedding where I wanted, and everything in it I wanted, (yep, loved that violinist on the beach..) that almost ever part of our wedding was sourced through eBay......(kept the cost down though!)

Who doesn't want a violinist on the beach for one's wedding?

And my daughters delight in the decorations for her 21st that were all made by Mrs OC herself...
Who knew I was such a crafty minx and able to make pretty much anything I googled!

Pom Pom Paradise!

I went a little polka dot mad...

But if we wanna peel it all back, and simplify our lives, actually have a life, while still having all those pretties that we like, how do we do that??
I guess it's about prioritising...
You CAN have the latest must have tote, or holiday to Fiji, but, it may mean going without a million other things, (no, not food, thats just silly!!).
I mean, maybe if thats really what you want,  then no going for lunches with the girls for awhile, no new shoes every other week? Might have to cut back on regular blow waves?? or manicures...I happily forego those daily coffees at my fave cafe just to have my fresh flowers, and then still only from the markets. (although I have said I'd go without food before I give up my flowers???)

Well, maybe just one pair of shoes! 15 bucks, who could go past that??

eBay. iOffer. Amazon. All have some great bargains to behold..
I dreamt of a new rose gold watch last years.....
Found the one I just HAD to have - beautiful...Ted Baker - loved it!
But, yes, was a little pricey.
Ten minutes online and I had myself the exact watch, 60% cheaper, and it arrived within 5 days....
So happy!!

But just simplify it girls...
Have a night in with friends, all bring something to share...
It's definitely as much fun as going out...
Grab that bargain purchase online...
Plant a few seedling and grow your own flowers (god knows that will save a fortune if your addicted to fresh flowers like I am).

Straight from the garden, how cool's that?

I actually enjoy doing these crazy simplified ideas..and I really wanna share lots of them with you here at OC....
Believe me, I've had a different life, but this one's kinda fun...
You can have everything you want - you just have to want it bad enough! (and think of a crazy enough way to achieve it??)
Until later lovely ladies,
Keep it simple.

Your pal,
Maria x x x

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